I’ve setup WordPress so that the front page is a static page rather than a blog. This is straightforward, but I had problems trying to remove the page title, because I didn’t want it to say ‘Home’ on the home page as it looked a bit out of place. I tried searching on Google for a solution, eventually I found a couple of things that in combination worked to do what I wanted – remove the page title and the white space so that the text wasn’t out of line with the top of the page.

The first step is to hide the heading for the title. With the Thematic theme, each page has it’s own unique identifier. My homepage has an id of 4, so to hide the h1 tag which contains the page title, I added the following to my child theme’s style.css:

#post-4 h1 {
display: none;

This removes the page title from that page, however there is still some whitespace which means the content of the page doesn’t line up with the sidebar. The whitespace belongs to the text inside a div which has a class of entry-content, so to remove the whitespace it’s necessary to change the padding-top value to 0. So I added the following to style.css:

#post-4 .entry-content {
padding-top: 0;

Now the text lines up correctly!

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