Twitter have recently revamped their website and are slowly switching users to the new interface. The redesign is supposedly aimed at giving companies a greater presence on the social network, but I think the biggest difference that users will see is on the home page where their Twitter stream is displayed. The Tweets column and the dashboard column have been switched, so that the tweets now appear on the right hand side with the dashboard on the left. I assume this is aimed at giving greater prominence to sponsored trends and promoted users, but I really don’t like the new view.

The new Twitter home pageLuckily, it’s possible to switch the columns back to how it was displayed previously. All that is needed is Greasemonkey, and the installation of a user script. I found a great script created by saintjava – I’ve taken a copy of it and uploaded it to my server so that you can download it. If you have Greasemonkey installed, then clicking the download link should be enough to get the script installed. Afterwards, Twitter should now look a little bit more like it did before:

The new Twitter homepage with the Greasemonkey script installed

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